House Rules

The harmony of the house is a top priority by management. When an individual disrupts the house harmony that individual immediately forfeits his/her privileges at the Tennessee Fisher House.

Guests are responsible for abiding by ALL RULES at the Tennessee Fisher House and will be required to sign a Statement of Understanding prior to admission into the house.

House Rules:

  • Keep outer doors closed at all times and never grant admittance to anyone you don’t know.
  • No food or beverages (except water) are allowed in the guest suites.
  • Children are the sole responsibility of their parent or guardian and must never be left on the premises without adult supervision. Children under the age of 10 must be under direct supervision of an adult at all times.
  • Quiet hours are from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am daily. Guests may be in common areas of the house during these times, but are asked to speak quietly and keep volumes low.
  • Guests and visitors must be appropriately dressed while staying at, or visiting the House. Shirts, shoes and/or slippers must be worn at all times in public areas. Nightwear may be worn outside guest suites provided a housecoat or robe is also worn.
  • Guests are responsible for maintaining the individual cleanliness of their assigned rooms and cleaning up after themselves in common areas.
  • Occupancy of guest rooms varies between two and four persons, depending on the size of the room. Additional family or friends may visit Fisher House when accompanied by a registered guest, but are not permitted to use the guest room for sleeping or showering.
  • Persons with chicken pox, measles, tuberculosis or other contagious diseases will be excluded from the Fisher House. Guests must inform staff  immediately if they develop these diseases during their stay.

Initial infractions will result in a warning, but subsequent violations will result in termination of tenancy at the Tennessee Fisher House with or without written notification.

If Fisher House Management finds a guests’ stay is jeopardizing their safety or the safety of our other guests, the family will be responsible for finding other accommodations.

The Following Violations will Result in Immediate Termination:

  • Anger, hostility, or demands of preferential treatment
  • Intentional damage to house or furnishings
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Unreasonable noise or language
  • Theft of property
  • Illicit use of Fisher House computers, including viewing pornography or participating in online gambling
  • Unauthorized use of rooms or unauthorized persons in rooms
  • Gambling, soliciting, vending and selling merchandise
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Smoking inside the facility
  • Violence or threats against other guests or staff
  • Allowing any unregistered individual to stay overnight at the house with you
  • Giving guest keys or the house door code to an unregistered individual

Tennessee Valley Healthcare System VA Police will assist in all terminations and possible prosecution of infractions.